- Explore the orthodox schools, how the book is structured, how the Sutras define yoga, and who Patanjali is.
- Atha Yoga Anushasanam: Arguably the most important sutra. We get the opportunity to understand the prescribed relationships of the Vedas, and its significance to a student of yoga.
- Develop an understanding of the paths offered by Patanjali, in the Sutras, to overcome the obstacles to clarity
Then from here, you move into slow long postures, which will lengthen the muscles and help remove any tension in the body allowing you to feel relaxed and calm; letting go of that busy work mind and readying yourself for a perfect night’s sleep.
Evening yoga is all about winding down and so you don’t want to do anything too strenuous. Your evening yoga class should leave you feeling relaxed, less stressed and of course, rejuvenated.
Benefits of an evening yoga class:
- De-stresses and slows down a busy mind
- Learn the skills of letting go of tension and busy thoughts that don’t need to be addressed until the next day
- Makes you feel more present and releases serotonin – the happy hormone!
- Increase quality of sleep
- Master the mind, manage anxiety, depression and panic attacks
Take a look at our class timetable to see which evening yoga classes we have available – joining us at one of our studios is the perfect way to end your day and get reset for what’s to come.